
My first CAL


I'm very happy and excited because I'm joining to my first CAL.

But, what does CAL means? CAL is the acronym for Crochet ALong: A group of people agree to crochet the same pattern at a given time (It's called KAL if they agree to knit instead of crochet). You feel part of a group with a common project. Doing that way everybody can compare notes and help each other out.

A few days ago, on the Ravelry group called No8das someone asked for a new CAL and I joined at the moment. I wanted to be in one since long time ago.

Several patterns were suggested and apparently we'd already decided (but with no many followers, the pattern was a bit "chaotic").

At the Wednesday meeting some changes were made: a new pattern was suggested for the CAL and new followers joined too. Since then a smile has glued on my face and I'm particularly excited about this CAL: Sagrapop proposed a new pattern: My Gilb Socks!

Calcetines Gilb

Thanks a lot: Sagrapop, Aurogrita, Desmadejada, Celia647, mjosefernan, mjra...

And you, want to join us?

Here the link to this CAL.