
The wreath no8das gave to Los Alcázares


Los Alcázares is the name of the bar that every wednesday hosts the knitting and crocheting group no8das.

This year we thought it would be a good idea to weave a gift to the bar to thank the kindness of everyone there. So we took our hooks and needles and we got down to work and made this cute wreath:

No8das Xmas wreath

You can see how happy were all of us once we finished it.

Here you can see the process on the no8das's blog.

I crocheted some different ornaments, these poinsettias are one of them:

Poinsettia crochet

To cochet them I just watched a picture of a real poinsettia. I think I did a good job and I want to share it with you. Here you can find the pattern to make your own.